Thank you for all the comments and suggestion on the pop top tabs! I decided to try my hand at a little jewelry. The below photos are the result of my first try. With a little practice they can be made very quickly. These pieces took me about two hours to make. The bracelet contains tabs back to back so there is no rough side touching the wrist. I used a total of 18 tabs for the bracelet. It is 8 inches long.
I will definitely be playing around with more of these tabs and I do have a plan for donation of any that I may not use. Thank you again for all the suggestions.
Click on photos to enlarge the view.

cool .
by the way,,do have facebook account??
CUTE! Looks like something that would be great as a project for kids during the summer to keep them occupied.
Very cute. I really like the small beads added to the earrings. It would be cute it you could do something similar with the bracelet to add some color and texture.
another great one for homeschooling and the recycle theme!! this is super cute!
Nice! That's very brilliant.
I have heard of doing this but this is the first time I have ever seen it done. Great job. Also, the Ronald McDonald house in local areas will take these. Its easier for them then doing the whole can.
Cool! By the way, what did you use to connect the tabs together for the bracelet? I was thinking about making some for my friends and I. Thanks for the cute craft idea!
Hi and thank you to all who comment! Chelsea,
To answer your question, I had a chain that came from the WalMart crafting/beading section that I took the links from. Since they were oblong shaped, I thought they would work perfect and they did. I opened each link with the needle nose pliars, placed each one between the tabs, one by one, and squeezed the opening back together. I like to do things the easiest way possible!
so cute!
Wow! They are so great!
Very cute!
LOVE the pop tab jewelry! I made the earrings about an hour ago with some other cute things laying around, like ribbons and such! They are SOOOO cute! Take a look at my blog if you get a chance (:
blog on,
mystery blogger x
Hey, the bracelet is very cute, I have a great collection of bracelets for all occasion. And I love unique designs.
Great post! I actually make jewelry and this inspired me to figure out how to use recycled materials in a clever way. Thanks!!
awesomeness but what did u use to link them?
that's a really cute thing to do with the pop tops. i like the earrings
Your blog is awesome and your ideas are great. I am all about handmade!
Ooo, looks so cute!!
thank you very good
nice set. I like it.
Love your clever crafts! Congrats on being on Blogger;s "Blogs of Note"!
REally neat!! I like how you put jeans behind them for the photo!! YOu did a great job!
What a wonderful way to recycle those tabs... brilliant idea!
I love it.
I have given you an award because your blog is one of my favorite blogs! Check it out:
Have a great day!
Crafty Mug !!
This blog is fantastic especially the soda tabs. Excellent winter ideas to make with my kids !!
Wow, that is so cool. You are quite crative. I just got into jewelry making myself, and when I say just got into it I mean I've thought about it and got a beginers book, and thats about it. Havn't really started making the jewelry yet.
What a cute idea ! I have not been able to read your blog daily (Dad w/ cancer) but really enjoy it. I will do a much better job.
Thanks for sharing.
Hello, just checking out new blogs, really like yours. First thing I said was, wow, that is really crafy! Come check out my blog if you'd like. I would call it artsy as well.
Great idea!
The earrings look really nice :)
Very, very nice. I love how dedicated you are to your crafts.
The earrings are definitely my favorite.
wow-wo! I could definitely go for some pop tab jewely.
its nice, but I'd say the pop tab jewely above this is better. Never thought you could do so much with them.
I like these pop tabs, mind doing a bit more of them?
cool! that's a lot
I love the earrings, very cool!
You are totally brilliant!
I really like the bracelet! Great job.
Great Job!.... Love your creativity!!!!
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