Tuesday, June 23, 2009

CD Photo Album

I've been wanting to make one of these albums for a long time. I don't know why it took me so long because they are so easy and fun to do!
First I prepared my cd's by scuffing them up a bit with sandpaper and/or a metal file.
The shiny side of the cd has a raised ridge about a half inch out from the center opening so I used the metal file from my tool box to file that down. You can easily tell when it it smooth by running your finger across the surface of the cd. I wanted this smooth because I planned on covering both sides.
After scuffing the cd's, I opened my pictures in my digital image editing program and started with a 4.75 inch circle. I then added and cropped my photos and added text until I got the look that I liked. With these photos I chose words that I think are suitable for the three young family members in the photos. I think they were just playing with the camera and having fun taking these photos.
Next, I printed out my circles on card stock, laminated the front side only, sprayed adhesive on the backs and stuck them to the cd's.
Next I measured and cut out circles from scrap paper that was suitable for writing on for the back sides of each photo cd. I did not laminate the scrap paper because they will be used for personal journaling.
I also used the spray adhesive for these.
The last step was to punch the holes with my crop-a-dile and add a 1 inch notebook binder ring and embellishments.


Jana said...

Hi there! I found you through "blogs of note" great blog!!! I am so excited about this progect as I can tie it into my sons homeschool schedule as a reduce reuse recycle scheme!! thanks for a great blog and all your wonderful ideas!

Anonymous said...

I would never have thought of this on my own. It is a very creative and cute idea, and sounds easy to do as well. I will attempt it someday, perhaps : ].



Iva Messy said...

Congratulations on making blogs of note!!

Emmy said...

What a great idea! Very cute ideas. And beautiful blog.

grant said...

Coo lblog you canhave a look at my blog if you want.

General and Celebrities news said...

i like this blog..

Natalia119 said...

I love this blog : ]

Shawna said...

Very cute idea! CDs are hardly used anymore anyway :) What a great way to recycle!

Shawna's Study Abroad

blessingsgoddess said...

Delightful blog !

Yannie said...

Wow this is cool. I'm also into crafting. Visit my blog - colour @ http://mpr-artsandcrafts.blogspot.com/.

By the way congrats for being in the blogs of note..

Hanan said...

awesome idea!!!
i think i'm gonna give it a try with all my old cd's..
~ wishing u the best from saudi arabia

lugach said...

nice blog please follow my blog

Doreen said...

What a great re-cycling idea!
Congrats on making it on Blogs of Note : )
I love visiting your blog!

Elliot said...

A great idea for all those old CD's that have been phased out by mp3's and such. I have a pile of CD's I never listen to and this is a great idea to recycle them. Congrats on making Blogs of Note.

CarlaSi said...

Very interesting idea :)

Legiman said...

A cool blog.

skebber said...

Wow this blog information good for me. thank's to admin this blog.

Sue said...

Joy you're so creative!
This is one fabulous idea!
I don't know if I'll ever have the time to make one of these but I really like it.

A-Jester said...

Really nice work man.Really inspired
Visit me at http:\\proclamationofsoul.blogspot.com

Tammi said...

Such a great idea!

Anonymous said...

So creative! Let me know if you would like to exchange links!

Aveo said...

There are some very cool ideas on your blog! I love it, you can be the next martha stuwart!

jhenneh^^ said...

i like this so much! BTW..I saw your blog in blogs of note..:)

Connor said...

Wow these are so cool. I wish there was a company out there that made them so I could review their product and put it on my site...


FJ said...

Really cool idea!! I found you thru Blogs of Note and really liked the look of your blog! How did you do this template?? Thanx!

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea!!

KaBeGu said...

that is the coolest project i've ever seen. i am totally going to do that.

come see my blog

Jamie Felgenhauer said...

Wow thats great! love the idea, very clever and green of you. im gonna give this a shot.

Anshika said...

I just loved the idea. Gonna make one for my family.

Jane Phunk said...

I think your insanely creative and have a keen eye for craft ideas. I may do this as a simple way to organize photos. Brilliant idea hands down!

Childfree Biology said...

That CD photo album is genius. Have you ever tried knitting?

Sms Falas said...

I'like this post.

chris priyesh said...

wow so next time instead of throwing my cds away i am gonna make a album :)

Consultants who can help

omkong said...

Joy you're so creative!
This is one fabulous idea!

i very like this all

jean_journal said...

nice blog good topic Im still learning to blog well myself this has is very inspiring

Anonymous said...

nice blog...congrats on blogs of note!