I've been wanting to make one of these albums for a long time. I don't know why it took me so long because they are so easy and fun to do!
First I prepared my cd's by scuffing them up a bit with sandpaper and/or a metal file.
The shiny side of the cd has a raised ridge about a half inch out from the center opening so I used the metal file from my tool box to file that down. You can easily tell when it it smooth by running your finger across the surface of the cd. I wanted this smooth because I planned on covering both sides.
After scuffing the cd's, I opened my pictures in my digital image editing program and started with a 4.75 inch circle. I then added and cropped my photos and added text until I got the look that I liked. With these photos I chose words that I think are suitable for the three young family members in the photos. I think they were just playing with the camera and having fun taking these photos.
Next, I printed out my circles on card stock, laminated the front side only, sprayed adhesive on the backs and stuck them to the cd's.
Next I measured and cut out circles from scrap paper that was suitable for writing on for the back sides of each photo cd. I did not laminate the scrap paper because they will be used for personal journaling.
I also used the spray adhesive for these.
The last step was to punch the holes with my crop-a-dile and add a 1 inch notebook binder ring and embellishments.