Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Other Hobby

Some of you already know that I enjoy taking care of my little parakeets.
I believe the last time I posted about them I had a little albino names Sugar and a lutino named Sunny. This summer, through the Talk Budgies forum, I learned that they were both females.
Since then I have bought two more parakeets that are males. One is a blue one that I named Smokey for it's smokey color. The other one is a little Sassy one who is yellow with a little olive.
Sadly my Sunny girl passed away from some unknown reason. I buried her out in my rock garden by my garage.
About 3 weeks ago, I was in an unexpected situation where a bird breeder offered me a little baby Sun Conure that had some disabilities. It was about 2 weeks old and only had one wing and the point of it's beak is missing. I brought the little thing home with me and I've been hand feeding it. This is a brand new experience for me. So far it is doing great. I've had it for over three weeks and it is really growing and becoming a happy little Conure. Here are some photos.




And here are my two newest parakeets, Sassy and Smokey.


  1. The baby Conure is totally way to cute! Just adorable!

  2. what a sweet little baby bird, and sassy and smokey are looking great

  3. Oh how cute!
    Joy, you're so generous! The little baby Sun conure has been very lucky to have found you to take care of him.
    I have to catch up on your past posts, my computer had to be repaired and I really missed visiting my friendly blogs.

  4. He is the cutest thing! I hope he does OK. When I was growing up we had a blue and a green parakeet, yours are very pretty.

  5. Ohh, how cute *.* Mother nature is so so so special... And those animals are so beautiful.. with all those colors (:

  6. The little conure is adorable. He looks perky and sassy.

  7. Hi there!

    I could not find a contact link on your blog, and wanted to get in touch to ask if you have any objections to me including a link to one of your free projects in this year's Craft Shop Advent Calendar. Perhaps you would be kind enough to visit the blog and get in touch if you would like to be included: This is the second year I have been producing this widget, and last year proved very successful for the contributors...and a lot of fun for readers too! Thank you in advance, regards Claire Butler.

  8. They all are so cute. :)

    Really liked your blog. I have started my own blog as well, but I am no pro like you. Will take time to be at this level :D

    But I have started my blog to help others regarding their websites. Lets see how it goes. Please do visit it once.


  9. Sorry to hear about the lost of your sweet little bird. It's a great blessing to be able to restore one of God's creatures to health again. The conure looks great now, poor little thing.

  10. wow..awesome and adorable + cute! wish them luck and specially u too :D

  11. Ohhhh my goodness! Your little conure just made my heart melt! What a little cutie he is!

  12. How is your baby conure? I don't see any posts lately about him.
    Please send an update if you have time. He is just precious!
    Thanks for all your shares, you are so kind and talented.

  13. That is amazing! Such a cute little conure! budgies are everywhere here, as they're wild natives from Australia. They're not actually called parakeets! lol
    Also, conures go for about 500 dollars each here, so you got a real bargain, especially if the little darling survives!!
    Which I really hope he does! Keep us all updated!!
