Friday, November 14, 2008

Vintage Christmas Card

I love all vintage graphics. I have a collection of copyright free vintage graphics and many are Christmas themed. I decided to see just how good I could clean some of them up and make some vintage cards and maybe some other paper crafts from them. Here I'm showing 3 stages of this pretty card. I believe it to be from a post card but I'm not positive.

I use Microsoft's Digital Image Suite 2006 graphic software for my graphic editing.

As always, Click on the pictures to enlarge and get a better view.

The first picture is the original stage, before any changes.

This second one is cleaned up down to the columns in the background.

I decided to go a little further and remove the columns, cleaned it up a bit more. After all that, I decided to cut the graphic away from the background, and add another background using a filter for texture. I chose the burlap filter. I also added a thin border filling it in with a gold gradient color. I added new text and the result is a beautiful card front!
Feel free to grab a copy if you can use it.


  1. I love it. You have made a great job of cleaning it up and I really do love victorian type images. I have a few myself and think my next lot of Christmas cards may be along that theme. They are always so versatile. I'll go and stumble this one, it is great and thanks for the offer :-D

  2. I think you've done a great job on it Joy, WELL DONE!
    I love Vintage cards.

  3. Oh I love what you've done with your vintage cards - very beautiful!
