Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Marily Monroe Torso Booklet

Today I would like to share a little torso tag booklet I made a while back. I found the torso template here. (I used the dressmaker's manniquin template. )
I really enjoyed making this little "retro" booklet.

Retro is a term used to describe aspects of modern culture which are consciously derivative or imitative of those trends, modes, fashions, or attitudes of the recent past which have or had come to be seen as unfashionable. Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

“Everything Marilyn does is different from any other woman, strange and exciting, from the way she talks to the way she uses that magnificent torso.” Clark Gable

(showing some of the pages front to back)


  1. Wow! What a cool and unique idea. It's beautiful.

  2. Thank you very much for the nice comment!

  3. I loved this so much that I posted about it over on my blog so others can take a look at the wonderful things you have done.

  4. WoW I am in Awe you are so talented

  5. Thank you so much HJ and Donna Lee. I'm so glad you like my little booklet! It was so fun to make.

  6. I love your booklet as well, was it hard to do? I would love to try it, is it something you have to have a template for. Thank you for sharing your creations, your blog is amazing!!

    Hugz Lorie
