A frog went a-courtin' and he did ride, M-hm, M-hm.
A frog went a-courtin' and he did ride.
I don't know about the courtin' thing but he surely did take a ride.
One day last week after a rainy couple of days I went to the supermarket and when I returned home to empty out my van, this is the little surprise I found lurking inside my van door. I'm not sure what you call that part of the van, but it is the part of the van that the rear of the sliding door slams onto when you close it. Poor froggy, I don' know how it survived there without being "squished". It was just clinging on looking pretty scared. I quickly made a b-line to my camera and snapped this picture.
With the help of a rolled up newspaper, I urged the little fellow down and onto the ground. It quickly hopped away and I knew it would be OK.
That brought back the memory of that folksy song I heard so long ago. I couldn't remember the words so I did a search and came up with many versions of the song. The version I remember is the one I've listed below. I do not know who the author is.
One web site I found that has researched
the courtin' froggie tune is here at this link.©jp2008 _________Click photos to enlarge.

A frog went a-courtin' and he did ride, M-hm, M-hm.
A frog went a-courtin' and he did ride,
Sword and pistol by his side, M-hm, M-hm.
He rode up to Miss Mousie's door, M-hm, M-hm,
He rode up to Miss Mousie's door,
Where he'd often been before, M-hm, M-hm.
He said, "Miss Mouse, are you within?" M-hm, M-hm,
He said, "Miss Mouse, are you within?"
"Yes, kind sir, I sit and spin." M-hm, M-hm.
He took Miss Mouse upon his knee, M-hm, M-hm,
He took Miss Mouse upon his knee
Said "Miss Mouse, will you marry me?" M-hm, M-hm.
"Without my Uncle Rat's consent, M-hm, M-hm,
Without my Uncle Rat's consent
I wouldn't marry the President." M-hm, M-hm.
Uncle Rat, he laughed and shook his fat sides, M-hm, M-hm,
Uncle Rat, he laughed and shook his fat sides
To think his niece would be a bride, M-hm, M-hm.
Then Uncle Rat rode off to town, M-hm, M-hm,
Then Uncle Rat rode off to town
To buy his niece a wedding gown, M-hm, M-hm.
"Oh, where will the wedding supper be?" M-hm, M-hm,
"Oh where will the wedding supper be?"
"Way down yonder in the hollow tree." M-hm, M-hm.
The first to come was the little white moth, M-hm, M-hm,
The first to come was the little white moth
She spread out the tablecloth, M-hm, M-hm.
The next to come was the bumblebee, M-hm, M-hm,
The next to come was the bumblebee
Played the fiddle upon his knee, M-hm, M-hm.
The next to come was a little flea, M-hm, M-hm,
The next to come was a little flea
Danced a jig with the bumblebee, M-hm, M-hm.
The next to come was Missus Cow, M-hm, M-hm,
The next to come was Missus Cow
Tried to dance but didn't know how, M-hm, M-hm.
Now Mister Frog was dressed in green, M-hm, M-hm,
Now Mister Frog was dressed in green
Sweet Miss Mouse looked like a queen, M-hm, M-hm.
In slowly walked the Parson Rook, M-hm, M-hm,
In slowly walked the Parson Rook
Under his arm he carried a book, M-hm, M-hm.
They all gathered round the lucky pair, M-hm, M-hm,
They all gathered round the lucky pair
Singing, dancing everywhere, M-hm, M-hm.
Then Frog and Mouse went off to France, M-hm, M-hm,
Then Frog and Mouse went off to France
That's the end of my romance, M-hm, M-hm.